There was a time when the entire world fighting the ‘Delta’ variant of the coronavirus that “Omicron” has landed. Researchers are claiming that the new version of Covid-19 has a higher risk of spreading than the ‘Delta’. The variant that is producing chaos within South Africa belongs to the lineage B.1.1.
The emergence of a new coronavirus strain has caused controversy in the entire world. This particular variant, dubbed Omicron was first identified within South Africa. In addition, the World Health Organization has also expressed concerns about the new variant. The US, as well as Australia, have banned flights via South Africa. This new policy has created fear around the globe.
The first instance from the Omicron variant was reported on 23 November. Omicron variant was identified within South Africa on 24 November and the first case of infection was identified in a specimen taken on the 9th of November. A number of countries are trying to stop Omicron’s spread. Omicron and have been able to ban flights from South African countries, even when oil and stock market prices dropped, posing a devastating blow to the world’s economic growth.
It is reported that the United Nations health agency said that the World Health Organization has also acknowledged that this stain may be harmful to individuals. In expressing concern over the strain the agency has stated that it’s a rapidly expanding variant. It’s very dangerous, and the virus has been identified among those who have received vaccinations. It could take several weeks to finish Omicron’s research, which will examine whether the covid vaccines, tests are affecting the virus. Following South Africa, this strain has been spreading to other countries, including Botswana.
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared it as a ‘Variant of Concern’. The WHO also claims that the vaccine could show less effectiveness on Omicron, even though the need for further research is being emphasized on this topic.
This variation, known as “Omicron,” was first discovered in Botswana, South Africa. It is part of an ancestral lineage that includes B.1.1.529 which is a part of Covid. Health experts have called it a “super-strain”. It is rapidly changing and that is the most concerning aspect. Researchers say that because of the speed of change, it is more dangerous than Delta plus, and the other variants.
Experts agree that further studies are needed to find out how harmful it is compared to its delta form. At present, no evidence is available to prove that it could neutralize the covid vaccine, or even is it able to do so. Without a vaccine, the rates of vaccination are very low in African countries and this type of virus is believed to be originating from Africa.
There have been cases In South Africa, Botswana and Hong Kong, Israel, and Belgium. In addition to African nations, the variant is slowly spreading across other countries. A theory suggests that those with immune systems that are extremely sensitive and suffer from chronic infection could be the cause of the latest variant.
Scientists have speculated that the cause for the 3rd wave is Omicron.
This is due to the fact that the Omicron variant spreads 7 times more quickly than Delta. Additionally, however, the spread of the disease from person to person is more extensive than Delta Variant. According to research, the variant has been altered 32 times, even before it was identified. There has been tension across the globe over Omicron (B.1.1.529). Every now and then several countries have imposed travel restrictions. Numerous countries like Austria, Canada, Germany, Britain, America, Italy, Israel, and the Netherlands have prohibited flights out of South Africa.
Canada has also prohibited the travel of people who have returned to the southern region of Africa due to a different variant that is a coronavirus emerged. An advisory committee of the World Health Organization has termed the latest variant of the coronavirus which first surfaced on the continent of South Africa as a ‘very quickly spreading and dangerous variant and has named it Omicron in the Greek alphabet.
The differential in Omicron Delta and Delta
The highest number of cases around the globe originates from those of the Delta variant. A total of 15 mutations were identified within the Spike protein in this variant. Omicron’s Spike protein is characterized by greater than thirty mutations which make it more infectious and potentially fatal. Omicron is also deficient in an NSP6 membrane protein (NSP6) which could cause it to be more susceptible to infection. There isn’t any difference in the symptoms of both variants.
Very informative article! We all should follow WHO guidelines.
Great post!